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Showing posts from September, 2020

Come on in friends!!

I love getting lovely messages and posts in our customer group of all the amazing things these oils have done for their families. Makes me so happy and proud !!     "I just want to say how thankful I am for Easy Air that has helped my family. Leadi ng up to the cooler months I diffuse it. When Winter hits it is diffused along with being applied to pically. A few drops added to the shower. I apply it directly to my throat if I can't stop coughing. I think the biggest game changer for our family is it has helped reduce the snoring that comes from my bed thanks to my husband. . My kids call me the potion lady but they all ask for w hat oil can help them with certain things. Let's just say, my oils are here to stay!" Lei gh     " I need to tell you this! I have only been using oils for a few days but the peppermint is my fave so far .. I work in admin and get lots of tension headaches being on a computer all day and usually take panadol every day...