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How to use Essential Oils

Aromatic Use 

This is the easiest way to utilize oils in your home. Our sense of smell is a very powerful tool and it is through our smell receptors that there is a direct connection to the limbic system which controls many things including emotions, behavior, and memory. Due to this very powerful connection essential oils can have a profound effect on our bodies when used this way. The most common way to use aromatically is through a diffuser which disperses the essential oil into the air without heating it. Also smelling directly from the body or applying on your skin to smell or your hands and cupping your nose to breathe deeply. Many oils have uplifting effects on your emotions whereas others provide calming/grounding effects. In addition, many oils can help promote a restful sleep when used aromatically during the night and others can help get rid of unwanted odors and germs in the air.

Topical Use

Applying oils directly to the skin is a great way to help them absorb into your body. Because essential oils are lipid soluble they easily penetrate the skin and when absorbed can provide localized benefits. It is advised to also dilute oils when applying them on the skin. Dilution is a process in which essential oils are mixed with a carrier oil that helps “carry” the essential oil onto the skin. There are many benefits to dilution, including increasing the surface area of absorption, enhancing absorption through dry skin, and preventing sensitivity responses. Another way to improve the absorption of oils is to massage them lightly into the skin which will help increase blood flow to the area.

Common Topical Locations

Face: Use essential oil as part of your regular skin care regimen to beautify the skin and promote a clear, healthy looking complexion.  
Neck/Forehead/Temples: These areas are good to target feelings of tension. 
 Abdomen: Application of essential oils, especially over major digestive organs. 
 Arms/Legs/Back: Massage onto the arms, wrists, legs, feet, or back after physical activity. Roof of the Mouth (Soft Palette)/Base of the Skull: Applying oils to these areas is an excellent way to help transform your mood and balance your emotions.  
Chest: Rubbing oils onto the chest promotes feelings of clear breathing.  
Bottoms of Feet: This location is often ideal as the skin on your feet is generally not sensitive and this is a great place for a generalized effect. Apply and massage in 2–4 drops of essential oil.
