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Winter Wellness

10 ways with the Winter wellness Kit.

1. Spray you hands with the On Guard hand sanitizer before going shopping or to a playground.

2. Diffuse Easy Air and Eucalyptus if anyone has a sniffle . Also apply Easy Air touch to the bottom of the feet and the chest for a sniffle or cough.

3. If anyone has a headache from being unwell, apply peppermint to the temples and back of the neck for relief.

4. Apply On Guard touch daily to the bottom of the feet to support the immune system

5. Use Tea Tree on the bridge of the nose if anyone has a sniffle to help drain the mucus. Also can apply this around the ear if anyone gets water in the ear or sore ears.

6. Diffuse Lavender and Easy Air to support sleep

7. Any bug bites, including mozzies, apply lavender or tea tree to the area to sooth it.

8. Add Tea Tree to a spray bottle to clean the air.

9. If anyone is feeling anxious, apply Easy Air touch to the chest as it helps to support the breathing of deep breaths in and out to help calmness.

10.  Needing some energy, put peppermint in the palm of your hands and take a deep breath in the help wake up and boost of energy.

There are many ways you can use these essential oils for supporting you and your families wellness. When you purchase you will receive lots of ways to use these along with all my support and guidance.

To purchase this kit click here.
