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5 tips on how to purchase your oils

How do I purchase my essential oils? This is a question I get daily from many of you, so I want to explain in really simple terms, because who has time for fancy language and complicated words!! tee hee

5 top tips from me!

1. You can choose purchase retail (but dont do that, its costs you more) OR purchase as a customer of doterra (thats where you save your dollars).

2. Because you purchased as customer of doTerra its now my responsibility to make sure you pay less for that drop oil. Not only dollar wise but also making that oil stretch further.

3. You will get minimum 25% discount off all your doTERRA for 12 months. You can add an additional discount of 10%-30% discount on top, making the maximum of 55% discount. I wish my grocery bill gave me a 55% discount!!

4. The most important and the lifeline to your doTERRA is getting support. Its one thing to google what oil for this or that, or read up on, or look at pinterest, but totally different to have the confidence and reassurance that your doing it right. A supportive person, like me, and a community is what can instill that confidence for you. HEH offers so much to their customers, from the HEH exclusive App, to ebooks, to archive of mini classes, resources books, tools, A-Z of oils and aliments , the Hand in Hand program when you get those first oils and the list goes on.

5. Being a customer is good right? and because its so good we think we have some sort of obligation. Guess what NONE!! No obligation to do a thing. If you just become a customer of doterra with your starter kit and thats all you use, guess what, thats ok!!

Bonus: When you are a customer of doTERRA you get to take advantage of some many offers, like free products.
Getting your first oils and being a customer of doterra can be one of the MOST important decisions in your life and home.
This week Im offering my HEH family the opportunity to get more oils at half the price!! When I have a new customer that says yes during these times, i get so excited because some of you have been waiting years for the right time. Being able to get your oils at half the price this week only means that it can be easier on you financially. Its the best way to get a few and each drop you use cost less.
Even better I am not going anyway. My home is HEH ;)

If you customer of doterra, tell me one thing you love about being a customer?

