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You've got this Mumma

I can put our bank accounts (cause who has cash these days laying about the house!!) that when your kiddos start back at school or you back at work that someone will get sick. We get many warnings from other Mums, actually just about everyone will share their stories about the dreaded school/work germs that everyone loves to share around.
What about multiple days  spent at home sick that you are still paying full fees for or crossing off those 5 sick days a year.  And the vicious cycle of going back only to become unwell again and around we go. Anyone would think your on the merry-go-round...  
It is especially frustrating and stress inducing as they go back to school and you to return to work. Only to then have to call from the school saying their unwell, so you cross off yet another sick day!  This can also sometimes affect your own physical and mental health too! By no means is it easy! I mean your even more sleep deprevited , the sitting on the couch snuggling, the endless amount laundry, meals to prepare and your thinking what next.. 
 You then make the call to the doctors, only to be told by doctors that you need to just wait it out!! Sometimes a mothers worst nightmare. I mean seriously, you just piled all the kids into car, waited for an eternity in the waiting room, handed over your credit card only to be told that. Frustrating!! 
What if I told you, that you had the tools in your home to help that ickness, that you didnt need to all pile in the car and hear those words "wait it out".  Oh and try and make yourself presentable with those massive bags under your eyes....

You are simply going to start applying your On Guard daily to the bottom of the feet. Your going to sit it beside your bed or next the kids school shoes. Then your kiddo comes home and tells you all the goss from the day, including how his friend threw up at school... now your not going to curl up in a ball and cry... but  instead your going to say "I've got this!!" , grab that On Guard and diffuse it in the house with Easy air. Non stop, well not quick, but at least for 4 hours.

Now you see your hubby over their sniffling and sneezing. No no, don't crumble, remember you've got this, so your going to grab your Easy Air and put a drop in his hands, tell him its natural vicks, and he will rub it on his chest. By then, your kids are fighting of that jolly Thomas the tank, that've threaten to bin numerous times. Wait Mum, remember... YES, YOU'VE GOT THIS.. so you pick that Easy up again, put a drop in your hands, rub your hands together and breath that in. Ah, the serenity!!

Were would my life be without on Guard and Easy air... probably still sitting in the waiting room or behind the bathroom day bawling...

Now breath out the bad, breath in the good!!

