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5 tips for clean house!

I sit with hot cuppa beside me and behind me is a tidy house. Oh boi, my eyes are on soft focus, just taking it all in. When you tidy up, do you actual sit and enjoy it? if not, I suggest you start to. Its very rewarding.
Pop puirfy  or lemongrass in the diffuser as well.
It may only last 10 minutes, but at least I know it has the potential to be tidy. Let me ask you something, when you say the words, "My house is such a pigsty" or "dont need to worry about anyone breaking in, it looks like it is robbed anyway!" What do you really mean?
Pick up that cuppa, have a mouthful and ponder that statement.
What do you really mean by a 'pigsty' and 'robbed'.
As Mummas you can get so mixed up on what it means to have things tidy and in order, compared to the house being unclean. Now we all aren't clean freaks and we all have little obsessions in the home.
For me, the floor in the kitchen and dining must be swept before we walk out the door of a morning! 

What is the most important hygiene thing that needs to be clean? 
Thats right, the kitchen, the place were you prepare and serve meals. That is your priority. So if there is a some dust on your bedside cupboard, thats not a priority, to me that can fall under the umbrella of it feeling nice, not a priority. So how can we keep this place we call home, clean and tidy, without us getting more grey hairs because we cant get on top of the chores. 
Firstly, if your a Mumma,  heres the truth, you will never get on top on the house work, there will always be someone spilling milk on the floor, someone trapping sand through the house, someone walking away from lego on the lounge room floor.. and guess what, you live in a normal house not a display home!!
As most of you know, I run a very big and busy essential oil business at home, i have 3 children, a hubby and live on a farm. So I'm constantly putting on the working mum cap, the wife cap, and they change all the time at a fast rate.  
I dont have a house keeper, or a maid, or an ironing lady, I do all this myself and its challenging, dont get me wrong. It takes hard work and lots juggling. 
But there 5 tips that I use and remind myself every single day when it comes to keeping on top of the house chores.

Tip 1: I learn this when I had Brae, 10 years ago,  I spend 15 mins a day on cleaning and tidying.  I do it in 5 minute allocations. I set the timer on the oven for 5 minutes and go to work. I put my phone down and dont allow distractions. Do this three times in the day and you will be surprised how much you get done with just doing 15 mins a day.  Its stops the overwhelmed feeling. So 15 mins x 7 days a week = 1 hour and 45 mins of cleaning/tidying a week. .Remember, its not about being a perfections, its getting it done!Its so much easier to find 15 mins a day to get your cleaning and tidying done than what it is to find a day or even half a day to get it done.

Tip 2: Ask yourself, " Do I really want things clean or really want things tidy?" once you determine the answer to that question then get that 5 mins done. Early this week, I felt like my house was a pigsty, it wasnt the dirt, it was because things werent tidy, so I spend my 5 mins and knocked over most of the tidying and I felt so much better.

Tip 3: I choose a room a week. So for example, this week is the kids bedroom. I will spend say 5 mins a day (from the 15 mins allocated each day) in the kids bedroom getting it clean and tidy. If you do this every day for 5 mins, again, come the end of the week, you will be like, I have cleaned the windows and mirror, everything is put away, the linen is changed... and then you start to look at small little task that perhaps you put off because you cant find the time, like cleaning under the bed.. So start on that task and DONT over think the process. 

Tip 4: As you walk around and tidy up, take an empty washing basket and put all those things that dont belong in the rooms in there. Then I put the basket in the lounge room and tell the kids to take what is theirs and put it away. 

Tip 5: I have my cleaners all made and ready to just pick up. So my general on Guard cleaner spray, my window spray, my carpet powder, my room freshener spray. Keep it simple and where you see the spray bottles. 

Bonus tip: At the end of everyday, I always make sure my sink is clean and shiny. So everything is washed up or in the dishwasher and away. Then I use my OnGuard cleaner and cloth and wipe my sink over. When you wake up and go in the kitchen things will seem less chaotic because you spend 2 mins doing this.
Shine the sink Mummas!! 

till next time
