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5 tips of exhausted Mummas.

Some days you wake up and you just dont feel yourself. I woke up feeling a little woozy, a little off, a little moody.  Something wasn’t right. I figured maybe a piece of dry toast with some Vegemite would help settle 'whatever is going on" but that didn’t seem to be doing the trick, either. Crap! I have a list  mile thing to do, emails to send and phone calls to make.  
I picked up the phone “Please, oh please, help me get through this conversation.” Well, I got through the conversation. Another happy customer!!  Minutes later I ended on the lounge room floor. Seriously, why cant I snap out of this. Noni laid beside me and we chatted all things polly pockets! Who remembers those from their childhood and the cupcake dolls.. why oh why, didnt I keep mine!! 
I stayed horizontal for a solid a hour. I laid there just thinking. why was I feeling this way. What is happening! I felt like I was being wiped out or getting struck by some nasty virus.  But here’s what I could do – Grab some essential oils, a glass of water, and  I could live up to that promise that when I was feeling better, I would be grateful, I would remember that that feeling 'off' wasn’t going to last forever (even though it felt like it would never end)!
I put my diffuser on in the lounge room with Frankincense and black pepper. These two oils help me see the truth in our hearts and unmask anything that you cant figure out. Then I put a drop of Lemongrass in the palm of my hands and rubbed them together, breathed in the aroma to help cleanser and change the energy and mood I was in. 
Read more on Lemongrass to shift your mood here. 
I got to the bottom of it, my expectations as a mother and wife were getting the best of me. Why wasn't my house all tidy like you see in magazines? Why were my kiddos whining about their dinner again? Why did there seem to be so many cobwebs everywhere I looked? Why did the laundry pile never seem to decrease despite doing 3 loads of laundry?  How many times do we get ourselves in a flap because we dont match up to our expectations? 
This world can feel dark, it can feel like we are stuck horizontal, with tears in our eyes and love in our hearts, we start to see the glimmer of light. If you’re feeling stuck right now, if you’re in that stage that feels like it will never end (but you’re hoping it does) I want to tell you something: hope is around the corner, don’t lose it. The sun came up and your a Mumma “Im so thankful that today is a new day.” I kid you not, laying on the floor listening to Noni chatter, is something I dont want to forget. This 'whatever' feeling in my body, made me stop and for that  and I saw the world with a little fresher eyes – don’t close your eyes to the blessings around you, my friend, they are there if you choose to see them.
